Follow-up/Periodic/Emergency Consultation Patients

Reception/Appointment Desk
Reception/Appointment Desk (9th floor of Center)
[Reception Hours]
Monday – Friday (excluding holidays) / 8:45 AM – 4:30 PMSaturday / 8:45 AM – 12:00 AM
Saturdays are for treatment only. TEL +81-3-3267-6480
FAX +81-3-3269-1213
1. Make an appointment

Please make an appointment at the appointment desk or by phone.
・Please contact us in advance for consultation even in cases of emergency.

2. Consultation

Please submit your consultation ticket, insurance card※, certificate of publicly funded health care※, and parking ticket for those using the underground parking lot.
※Checked once per month
※Checked once per month

3. Make an Appointment for Follow-up Consultation
We can make an appointment for you if you require continuation of your consultation.

4. Pay at the Payment Desk

Please make your payment at the payment desk.
We will return you your consultation ticket, insurance card,
certificate of publicly funded health care, and parking ticket.
We will return you your consultation ticket, insurance card,
certificate of publicly funded health care, and parking ticket.